Building startups can be diabolically difficult.
Startup founders are amazing, but they ultimately run underresourced insurgent outfits. And – against better judgement – they are taking on behemoth incumbents.
It’s like the rebel alliance vs the Empire. And it’s hard work.
But strong startups have three attributes that set them apart.
- A unifying purpose (your Identity)
- Agility
- Founder magic
So you have purpose, direction and speed. And a healthy sprinkle of “whatever it takes” (if you are a founder, or if you have worked with good ones, you know exactly what I am talking about).
But how do you make sure you make rapid progress towards your goals?
A company roadmap is a great tool for you, your team and your board.
What is a company roadmap?
A company roadmap is a bit like a product roadmap, but for your company. It starts with the big thing you are trying to do, and maps out the steps you need to take to get there. It is a concise plan that:
- communicates objectives
- establishes waypoints, and
- helps you keep on track.
How do you make one?
Start with your mission. That is the overarching SMART objective you have set yourself for the next 12-18 months. It is part of your Identity.
Then map out the key milestones for each quarter across Product, Team, Customers and Org/Other.
Now ask yourself:
- If you hit all the milestones on your roadmap, will you have delivered on your mission? If not, what’s missing?
- Are there things on your roadmap that are not in service of your mission? If so, remove them. Absolute focus is key to success
- Finally, does it all add up?
Work with your team and board to get it right. And keep tracking and iterating as you progress.
And presto: you now have a roadmap that communicates objectives, sets direction, establishes waypoints and keeps you focused on progress towards your overall mission.
All taking you and your startup one step closer to greatness.